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Sounds like and interesting story does anything happened with Ghost girl like intimate or simply away to get around and inform? 

You can get intimate with ghost girl



cant update to 0.10.0 for some reason it updated then when i left the game it went back to 0.9.0 and says new version is on third party site


So, will this game have Pregnancy?


We are planning to implement it.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
(7 edits) (+1)


{{{{Played v0.1.3}}}}

Pretty good! I was initially really weirded out by the models, they looked clunky and like they were put together with clay. Not as polished as they are in the thumbnail. But I got used to it. (In-game In-game they look fine. But when talking to eachother their sprites look weird)

The moment I was able to FREE ROAM was a big shock, not many porn games have that and it was a really cool surprise. It certainly kept the game genuinely interesting. (I expected this to be a visual novel)

The writing is a little hit or miss, but its not too bad.

AN INTERACTIVE PORN SCENE???? Its very rare you ever see these, and typically its just raising the tempo or whatever. But you can actually MOVE things during this one. And actually zoom in as well. (I just wish I could turn the camera, that's always been a bit of a peeve of mine)

Took me about three hours to finish the demo. 

Really promising! 

There's certainly a few bugs though (Not anything game breaking)

Sometimes you spawn in a sitting position and slide around like that until you open a door and it fixes itself

The house (city hall?) on top of the hill isn't on flat ground, you can see under the front right corner. Also on the way to the city hall-like building there's a random deep gap on the grass that I fell in, took me a bit to get back out. (Its in-between the two roads on the way up the hill)

There's also an odd leveling issue between the road and the grass, the road is like, a few inches higher and you have to jump onto it.

Camera spazzes when entering the bathroom and immediately trying to get back out

Sometimes floating to the side of the bike when equiping it

The orange haired girls boobs spazzing out for a moment when deep throating

Camera sometimes clipping under the map when riding on a hill

Trucks driving on air at the beginning of the tunnel. And I also saw some girl at the roof of the tunnel just floating there in a sitting position??

Sometimes you say "Bye" or "night" twice before ending the conversation

Minor skirt glitches, I don't know if the violent skirt flare is intentional, but afterwards the top part of the skirt like, clips in with their lower back and is stuck.

The ladder in the library is a bit finicky to select

"Peep through hole" option appearing when you angle it torwards the picture on the wall (After the event) I thought it was still an option, so I spent like 5 minutes trying to angle it right to get the button to appear, and when I did, pressing E did nothing.

Here's some things that just personally bothered me:

There's a bunch of models down at the beach that straight up just don't move, pretty creepy. At least give them breathing animations or something

(I know its only a demo) But there's not much room for exploration, any time you explore or try to talk to old characters again you get the same dialogue or absolutely nothing

I cant change my point of view. Being SO CLOSE to the character you play as strained my eyes, but I got used to it. I still would prefer to zoom out a bit.

No gallery? I know this is a demo, and I certainly eyed that sandbox mode, but right now the only way to access the one scene (and the peep hole scene) is to have a save right before it happens.

The tools shop is oddly empty, and the guy does a weird face after closing his store. Not sure if that's intentional.

There's absolutely nobody driving the cars. Sheesh, at least put a grey figure  and tint the windows

Maybe in the future an option to change the haircut? How it looks in the thumbnail is good, but in game its... Worse for wear.

Note, all those things were just minor bugs or peeves that will (hopefully) be fixed in due time. I look forward to this!


v0.1.3 that explains a lot :D
We enjoyed reading it though. Thanks for the in-depth comment. :)

(1 edit)

Yep, sorry! I skimmed through the chapters in version 0.9.0 and everything is SO much better, I hardly have any complaints anymore. Maybe some kind of mini-map would be nice? That's really about it besides some more general NPC interactions.

The only glitch I really found was a river behind the abandoned church you can fall in while on bike. And you fall pretty far and land in some ravine-like area under the map. Walking down it a while makes you fall until you respawn.

Although I have to ask, why were the school outfits changed to casual outfits?  I personally liked the old ones, lol (Maybe add a button to swap them?)

Also the personality of the orange haired girl was changed to be WAY less "fuck anyone she sees"? Any reason for that? The peep hole scene was also changed

Other than that, I'm looking forward to this game EVEN more! It looks really good! And it captures a stylized fictional look for the characters that's not really anime, but also not really realistic, really well!! It's pretty rare to see anything with a different style other than anime or realistic. (I'm personally really not a fan of the realistic ones, they look pretty uncanny)

I also noticed some tweaks to the writing that made it much better, everything about this got so much more promising.

My only other complaint is, I cant download version 0.10.0 on the Itch app? 

And I notice all the versions are separate, is there any way you could make a version that gets auto-updated? ( app compatible) I use my computer on a pretty slow hotspot so it takes literally all day to download bigger games lmao


Wonderful! :)
A minimap could be a thing in the future.
We have more NPC interactions in 0.10.0.

We changed the school outfits to not mess with Steam's terms and conditions as we want to release Monolith Bay on Steam later this year. You can still change clothing for NPCs and get the school outfit back. Just go to the character creator load 'NPC_name' change anything you like and overwrite it with the same name. This will change the appearance of the NPC in story and adult sandbox mode.

Some people complained that she is to slutty in that manner and they didn't liked it. At the same time nobody told us that it is great that she is that way, so we changed that. :)

In case you didn't know, if you want to skip dialogues faster you can hit ESC during a dialogue and choose the fast forward option.
F = first person view
C = ragdoll mode

For now we only have separate versions sorry.

For v0.10.0 we only put in the mega link. All the other versions are uploaded directly to Here you can get the latest free version

Thanks again for your kind words! :)

Deleted 3 years ago

What exactly happened?

Deleted 3 years ago

I just installed the game and engine and when I open it goes black screen then the attached message appears.

Thanks for letting us know. Try the next free version when we release it. We might have fixed it by then.

Sorry to late for the next free version. But the one after that might have the fix.


Actually try the new v0.10.0 we just released. It might work now.

Still not Dev...I've got the same problem...

Dang it

Hi, how many people are developing this game?

Two core devs. And one freelancer (writing).

where's Morty

Make your shirt yellow when you start a new game and pretend to be him ;)

so if you don't turn around and run through the door of the pizza place on the first go you get trapped in there at night and have to load a save

Tried to reproduce it but to no avail. Can you please explain in detail how you did it?

I think it's because i was still trying to run around during the transition it hasn't happened since

I see. That's good.
So after the pizza game is done, you run during the black screen right?


(1 edit) (+1)

When you first encounter the woman in the cabin who goes skinny dipping, there is some foliage that completely blocks her from view while you're talking to her. Never been blue balled so hard :( 

Also, if you could scroll the view out from the character manually, that would be a very welcome addition.


scrolling the view sounds good!
The foliage issue has been fixed in the latest Patreon version. And that will be free in the future, so you just have to wait. :)


Good to hear! Thanks for the reply :) 

Games looks to good to be for  android as well, what are the min. Requirements?

We haven't figured out the min. requirements yet. You have to test it out.

are you ever gonna improve the graphics? or the controls?

What exactly do you want to have improved regarding controls?
Graphics depends on what you mean by that. Shaders, lighting, shadows? Or more like how the artstyle looks, more stylized or more realistic for example.

when i try to install it tries to download through internet explore

Have you downloaded the game here on itch? Pls try to explain what exactly you're doing until it comes to that.

(2 edits)

i do download if from itch. and it starts the download as an internet explorer file. only v0.1.2 and v0.1.3 work

Try it here

Minimum System Requirements?

And Can I run it on Directx 10 card?

A dx10 card should not work with our game. But a dx11 one will.

We haven't figured out the Minimum System Requirements yet.

So are you planning to work on the mobile Version?

If yes then would it be on patreon or a free version which will be linked here?

We are planing to do that when further in development. So that will take quite a while.
Not sure about that, better check out both platforms time by time.

hi why do the game crash when I open it?

hi. Does it give you an error message? if yes, what does it say?


best/worst girl has the shortest plot yet

Nice editing, keep it up! :) And man you got to censor a lot of words :D

Why the  mobile version is not free only character creation bruh

Ya bro don't know why

Deleted 3 years ago

Please how can i delete the game saves ?? Help !

Your saves should be here: C:\Users\<your account>\AppData\Local\MonolithBay\Saved\SaveGames


thank you soo much <3

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you! We will look into it.

I download public version (8.0) and when i try to run .exe it just shows black screen

Try ALT+Enter, maybe this helps

Deleted 3 years ago

Will there be a buy-to-play version here on itch as well, or any other store for that matter? A few weeks ago our government told Steam that they can't sell adult themed games to us adult citizens anymore, can't even access the store page.

We might release a payed version on itch like we will do on Steam. No promises though.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

While falling under the surface you have to get out of ragdoll mode in order to get up again. If you do that to late you will fall endlessly like in ragdoll mode. We might change that in later versions. :)

hi why no open game ?no play game My game android please help me 

You can only tap on character creator and adult sandbox. Does that work? The stuff on the left is part of the background image.


Thank you for pm.just creator character?no play? For play buy?$


i cant seem To open the game after downloading

please help

This happens when you try to extract all the files into a folder? Or do you start the exe from this archive with rar?

i click click the exe in the rar folder

may i ask how to fix this?

also.. is it supposed to be like this?

Quick question, I got the supporter tier on patreon, but I cant find the mobile download that has the sandbox as well as the character creator. I can only find the character creator. 

It's this way ;)


I just had to make his shirt Morty-yellow

Nice video! We loved how you fell backwards in the dungeon while looking at the statue. :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you. Currently we have no plans for that.

Seems like a great game. One question though. On a load screen, it says to use a controller... how do you turn on the option for that?

There is no option for that. You can simply use your controller and mouse/keyboard at the same time.


any chance for a walkthrough?


There are some on youtube, but they don't cover the full game. We also don't have a walkthrough sorry.

okay. hey i am encountering a bug. when i go to the old church to get that one thing for the uncle, nothing happens. if i recall in older versions its supposed to get dark and theres a ghost girl who pops up. now nothing. i even exited the game and re launched it. maybe i broke the game by completing other things first like took the MCs sister to the beach and got debbie to neutral

You go there by foot or do you use the quick travel function?

by foot

You've done the stuff with Violet and Debbie in a fresh save, or have you used a save from an older Monolith Bay version?

Great game! 

Thanks ManBaby1! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I really wish to play the patreon Android version, I wish I could support the developers but I cannot. My honest feedback is that  maybe allow more stuff to be released publicly because many people cannot afford to pay the game seems to only have newer bulids for patreons only which means people who don't pay up don't get updates, Sucks because not only people can't play newer builds it's seems to just be a patreon exclusive game.


In case you want the story on android, the patreon android version only has the adult sandbox mode, not the story mode. We do update our free PC versions from time to time as you can see on the uploaded versions here on Features that are now Patreon exclusive will eventually become free later on.

You should put some more options in the Game.
Like config the keyboard & stuff.
And how 'bout you add some swimming?
And when's it coming finally on Steam?


We will put config the keyboard on our list, can't promise anything though. Swimming could be a thing in the future. Will take some months until it is on Steam. No fixed date though.


Ok, nice.
And thanx.
& the Babes're all very hot and sexy.
And you should fix the Bugs in the Game, like flying around when hit a car & flying around when we're driving ourself and hit by the traffic.
I mean, it's fun to see but not really good.


Thank you! :)
Yeah we always try to get rid of bugs. The thing with the car never happened to me. Is your framerate alright?

Yeah, it's.
But I don't know why it's happend.


Hmm weird

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