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i was able to download it and i can say im really fucking impressed with graphics quality, to that guy who said this 18gb doesnt worth it, hes wrong, it doesnt even is 18gb its like 6, u can customizate almost everything, play at ultra quality, directx12, reflects, almost like rtx, look at my gpu usage looks like im mining bitcoins, 100 usage and 72 degrees, almost 7gb vram and my graphics its a 8gb, this game has like history mode, 8 posicions and a awesome quality of 2k, i played it at ultra quiality trying to use all my gpu, all i can use its 7gb vram and i was playing at 22fps, this thing its valuable man


this is why its too heavy and uses too much gpu lol ive got to use 480 bc the original image was 20mb heavy

nice game


game not even worth it for a 13 GB game. and it takes over 20 to run.

it makes sure that you have to restart your computer to delete it or it would just stay there. its more like a virus with a game attached.

like the customization though


When I download the file, it appears the adope option to "extract" i think, the game. How can I be able to play the game if doesn't open the official page?

(1 edit)

When I press start in the launcher, an Error shows up. If I press continue, it shows up again. What should I do?  

Any solutions? I have the same problem

Any plans to make this work on Linux?

(1 edit) (+1)

this is a great start and i love the idea. i will say, however, that the camera movement needs a lot of work. at some point during one of the scenes, the camera flipped and it became impossible to reorient in a way that wasn't either upside down or looking directly overhead of them. it stayed like that from scene to scene, as well. maybe a free cam system controlled by conventional movement and camera controls (wasd and mouse) would be better. the character creation, on the other hand, is extremely well done and one of the best i've ever seen from an indie developer.




mac when? cry

it does not fully download.


i cant extract the files for some reason. everytime i try it gets stuck and the extract stops responding. How do i fix this?

Your av is probably scanning everything, slowing it down to a halt.


Why do I need visual studio c++ runtime to play the game?


can you make a mac  Version please  


i keep getting "interrupted: forbidden" when i try to download


Petite body options would be nice. TY


Solid game so far. Pleasure bars for you and your partner would be a nice addition.

I just bought a code and it says unable to load save and check reading permissions. unplayable.

Make sure the game folder has windows read and write permissions. If this does not help you can try starting the game as admin, and adding it as an exception to your antivirus. If that still didn't work remove the "saved" folder at "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\HomeTogether\Saved"


I'm getting a blank hit-box right in the middle of the screen when I engage in scenes. It's description is "fsdfsdfsdfsd" which comes up when you hover over it. Is there any way to make this go away? It blocks the view of the scene.

Otherwise the game is amazing, thank you so much for this beautiful creation!

i too have this issue


Why not female 1st person? :(


it won't the let you install it, the download  is canceled and it says a forbidded error

The characters customization is really under advertised on this page. I was pleasantly surprised how extensive it is. 

There is what looks like a button without text in the middle of the screen during sex scenes. When I click it a short string on character appear. Any way to get rid of this?


wasnt this game in vr

(2 edits) (+2)

something wrong with this download ,tried 3 different ways but it drops out

towards the end and won't let me resume. not possible to get the file.

i've been uploading and downloading multiple files in various places and in various ways today so i know my connection is ok.

Try using FreeDownloadManager, that keeps it resumed better than google shit

I got it from somewhere else. All ok now.


tell me how and where

Deleted 350 days ago

I think this would benefit from the character customization tag.


10/10 GAME


thats fucking terrifying


Now that gave me a chuckle


When she says: "my eyes are up here"


just like me frfr


Let's hope it comes out soon for Android 🤙


With a game made with unreal engine 5, keep dreamin

Lmao what, its Unreal engine 5, any phone would explode if it tried to run this.


Why not to build this masterpiece for Linux distributions?
Linux is also an OS.


Maybe none of them have a linux to test it on


Use Steam to run the game on proton (you can Google for more information this applies to a lot of Windows only games).




is the game ever gonna come to Mac? I previously have seen that you do not have a Mac to build the game, has that changed since last year?


when i try to play it says fatal error and asks me to download some intel graphics thing?

Maybe the specs arent good enough? Are you playing on integrated graphics? Is your processor of an older generation? Do you have enough ram? Are you running in ssd/hdd, and is there enough rom? Check these out

Sexo es lindo,

 pero van a ver gay o lesbianas?


some gay content in the futur ?


Bi action never hurts

this game is amazing! not only are the animations crisp and clean, but the textures of everything else is so surreal! i love it


Would ever come to Mac?


It stop's downloading after some time even if i dont make it stop, what do i do?

(1 edit)

sometimes it can time out, other times make it can stop if the storage is full or connection is dropped.


Android port when?


you must be kidding 


I hope lol


OK I admit, that the graphics are very good but  the game did not convince me. I stopped playing after 10 Minutes. There is no real storyline and the control of the characters  is very habitual


Maybe add anal?


theres an anal scene in the atti

Download error, admin


Upon starting the game I am stuck on a loading screen. RYZEN 7-rtx4050-16ram

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